Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Chiropractic?
2. What Can I Expect on my First Visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic?
3. Does my insurance cover this?
4. What Does the Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) Do?
5. Is Chiropractic Care Safe?
6. Do Children Need Chiropractic Care?
7. Am I Too Old For Chiropractic Care?
8. Will I Have to go to a Chiropractor for the Rest of My Life?
9. What Kind of Education Do Doctors of Chiropractic have?
10. Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?
1. What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the branch of healthcare that believes good health is in part dependent upon normal nerve function. The nerves travel down the spinal canal and out to all parts of the body.
The chiropractic physician examines the function, structure of the spine and nervous system. If certain abnormalities exist that affect the nervous system, chiropractic care is indicated.
Accidents, whiplash, postural and emotional stress, overexertion and many other factors may result in altered spinal function and back pain or neck pain. When abnormal function of the spine is observed, an adjustment or manipulation is the treatment of choice.
Chiropractors also place emphasis on diet, nutrition, exercise and other alternative and complementary medicine treatments when appropriate. Additionally, chiropractors are involved in rehabilitation as needed.
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2. What Can I Expect on my First Visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic?
The doctor will perform a consultation to get to know you and your condition. A thorough examination will follow, with special attention being paid to the spine, musculature, and nervous system. X-rays will be taken if necessary (we have a complete x-ray department on site ). Upon arriving at a diagnosis, the doctor will tell you if you can be helped; if not, he will refer you to the appropriate physician.
We understand that no two conditions are the same, and approach each case on an individual basis.
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3. Does my insurance cover this?
Most automobile accidents and work-comp injuries are covered at 100%. Please notify our staff if you've been involved in an accident and we will check to see if there is coverage available.
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4. What Does the Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) Do?
First of all, through patient history, physical, orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic examinations and laboratory findings, a determination is made as to whether you are a chiropractic case. If the results of all tests indicate spinal dysfunction in the area of the spine that would likely result in the symptom or condition, then spinal x-rays may be taken. The x-rays often provide information as to where and how the adjustment or manipulation should be done, as well as, providing other diagnostic information. Treatment is then directed toward the spinal dysfunction by adjusting or manipulating the spine. The manipulation is most often done by hand. Other methods are used when indicated. Additionally, various forms of physiotherapy (such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, traction, massage, etc.) are employed to assist in correction of the spinal problem.
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5. Is Chiropractic Care Safe?
A few years ago the government of New Zealand did a formal inquiry into chiropractic care. The appointed commission reported "...chiropractic care is remarkably safe". Numerous articles have been written that would indicate that chiropractic care is safer than most other forms of health care.
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6. Do Children Need Chiropractic Care?
Just like adults, children may develop problems in their spine that require spinal manipulation or an adjustment. Children experience falls, accidents, stress and strains through their normal activities that may cause spinal problems. When an accident causes injury to the skin, the injury is easily seen by parents. When an injury occurs to the spine it often goes unnoticed at the time, only to manifest itself later. Most chiropractic physicians recommend periodic checkups for children to make certain that these minor spinal problems are fixed prior to developing into other problems.
Spinal adjusting techniques are usually modified to deal with the child's spine and any condition that the child may have. Most chiropractors have noticed that children respond to chiropractic care faster than adults and current research is now reporting chiropractic care as a beneficial treatment for several typical childhood problems.
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7. Am I Too Old For Chiropractic Care?
Most older adults experience a variety of musculoskeletal problems associated with the aging process. In fact, these complaints are likely the most common problems reported. Chiropractic adjustments along with good diet, exercise and nutritional supplements can go a long way to improving and maintaining the best quality of life as we age. Many patients report improvement with arthritic symptoms and other chronic ailments often associated with the aging process.
Obviously, spinal adjusting techniques are modified to treat the problems of older individuals. While many of the conditions require modification of these procedures, they do not in most instances prevent treatment or pose a significant risk to spinal manipulation.
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8. Will I Have to go to a Chiropractor for the Rest of My Life?
Many factors go into the determination of how long an individual will need chiropractic care. Everything from how long the condition has existed prior to treatment, to the severity of the condition will affect the length of time that treatment will be required. Age, gender, general health, type of work and other health problems may also prolong care.
Many patients appreciate the feeling of health and well being that they experienced while receiving chiropractic care and choose to continue on a maintenance program to continue experiencing that level of health. While there may be some conditions that require extended care, your chiropractic physician can recommend any prolonged care that is appropriate for you. If you are one of those crisis care patients who seek care only when the pain is unbearable you will likely find your chiropractic physician strongly recommending that you stop "crisis management". It is usually the most costly, time consuming and extracts the greatest price in lost health, vitality and enjoyment of life.
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9. What Kind of Education Do Doctors of Chiropractic have?
Chiropractic students are required to take a two year pre-med program at a regular liberal arts college or university. Just like students in other healthcare fields, chiropractic students often have bachelor degrees prior to enrolling in chiropractic school. Chiropractic colleges requires the completion in a course of study with emphasis on anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, biomechanics, x-ray and other imaging, spinal adjusting techniques and other forms of conservative care such as diet, supplementation, exercise and other forms of alternative medicine.
Just like other healthcare professions, chiropractic physicians are required by state laws to complete a minimum degree of educational qualifications and to pass extensive tests in order to be licenses to practice chiropractic.
Finally, chiropractic education never ends. Most state laws require a minimum degree of continuing education each year to maintain a license to practice. With the continual development of new methods of diagnosis and treating various conditions, most chiropractic physicians attend more hours than the required minimum.
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10. Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?
Many individuals go to a chiropractor believing that they have a "pinched" nerve. While pain following injury or a certain movement of the spine or body part really feels like a pinched nerve, compression of a nerve is actually rare. Research suggest that only about 10% to 15% of spinal problems are caused by direct pressure from a bone pressing or pinching a nerve. Most often spinal pain and nerve dysfunction is caused by irritation, inflammation or stretching of nerves. When associated with malfunction of the joints of the spine, chiropractic care is the treatment of choice.
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